Whimsy Stamps ~ Draggin' Dragon

There are few years I've felt I'd truly like to see the back of, but this my crafty friends has been one of them! If you know me well, you'll know I'm not a roll over and give up kinda gal, but this year, has knocked the stuffing out of me a little bit and oh my goodness, did this lil' guy resonate for me! Whimsy Stamps magic from Dustin Pike!

I had fun creating this card and you know what?! Crafting is excellent therapy!! I felt so much better after creating this tongue in cheek creation, declaring 'down to 2020'! I have watched friends struggle with illness and heartbreak this year, unable to really help or reach them, I've had more than a few close family struggles this year which has left me feeling more than a little heartbroken and exhausted myself. This year has not been my favourite. But yes, there have been moments of joy, one happened just last night, when my small boy was staring at me rather intently, so I commented to him, "that's a rather intense stare Zachy", to which he retorted, without hesitation, "I was feeling intense love for my mum". Sigh, that boy, he just melts me, my cup now topped back up!!

I hope that 2020 has been kinder to you and that you are feeling optimistic moving into 2021, if you've had a tough year too, I send a huge hug your way and wishes for better days. If like me this year has rung you out a little, craft your heart out, it really is fantastic therapy! I'll be back shortly with some sweet Christmas creations, which I've finally found time to enjoy creating! So watch this space! Hugest hugs to you all, Wends xoxo


Chris saidā€¦
Love this card Wends-it really does sum up 2020! It's been a pretty awful year all round and I think most people will be happy to see the end of it!
Glad you are finding a bit of time to craft and relax, it IS good therapy - although I think your little lad is even better- what a lovely thing for him to say!
Sending hugs
Lorraine saidā€¦
He is adorable, a gorgeous card and I love the background paper too, need to add that to my wish list.
I so hope 2021 is a bit better. Sending you a BIG hug.
Lorraine x
Faye Wynn-Jones saidā€¦
I can't tell you how much I love this card x
Fikreta saidā€¦
its awesome!

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