Lucky Me...

(Said with a little skip in my step and affected 'Lola' voice) - Ooh lucky me, lucky, lucky me! I won!!

I entered a paper stash giveaway on Bev Rochester's blog. She's one of my favourite card designers and I have followed her since I knew what blogs were! I saw her work first in magazines and would faithfully clip out the pages with her stunning cards to use for future inspiration, often referring to them to refresh my creativity when I am feeling 'blocked'. So to wake up this morning and find to my great surprise and delight that I had won her paper stash giveaway, well let's just say... Woohoo!!

I'm not one to win things, and there were over 200 entries, so I thought it was a slim chance I'd win, but wanted to enter as the papers are so lush! So this is a big surprise and frankly fabulous!

Thank you Bev so much, for your wonderful generosity x

That's all I have right now, but I'll add a piccy when the goodies arrive. Such a happy bunny this afternoon and to top it all off, the thunderstorm hasn't come today and we have another glorious London day, bliss. :)


Unknown saidā€¦
Well done Nenny fabulous win !! Hugs Elaine

Thank you so much for the lovely comment on my blog I am back now after a break.
Hazel saidā€¦
Congratulations Nenny - you have to be in it to win it!

Thanks so much for your kind comments - I really do appreciate it - alot!

Have a great week.


Hazel xx

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