Graduation Mama


I made this card a while back, but with Greg's hospital stay, shifting house and putting ours on the market, there's been little time to blog my creations. So I'll try to do a little 'catch up' over the next few days.

I made this card for my lovely sister in law, who just finished her second degree. She continued teaching the whole time she was studying and has 3 growing children to boot! So I thought this was rather a commendable achievement and wanted to celebrate this with her through this creation. 

I love the Maja design papers I used here, which are incidentally called 'Crea Diem', which means to 'Create or Make the Day'. I thought this very fitting for this card. I used 3 different papers from this same paper pad, which I was given by the lovely Bev Rochester. I have several more lovely papers from Bev, so watch the following makes for these. The lovely Swedish Maja Design papers are now available from a lovely new online store that has recently opened. If you haven't yet, go and check out Sally's new store - Live & Love Crafts.

I'm rather notorious for starting projects and then them sitting for weeks and months half done, whilst I await inspiration to know how to complete them! Perfectionist streak inherited from my darling Papa!! But it's truly frustrating that I often don't like my initial instinct for a design, so let it sit while I stew over how to compile the card. But this one, I have to say, came together very easily. I knew straight away which papers I wanted to use, I had the perfect stamp to use on the inside of the card and the name label from the actual papers I thought made a rather fun 'sentiment' for the front of the card. It all just seemed to flow and for once I was pretty happy with the completed card!

The lovely blue seam-binding was a great colour match and was in my stash from the fab folks at Wild Orchid Crafts, as were the blue roses. The three central ones are Wild Orchid Crafts, but the smaller outer ones, were given to me some time back by a lovely Kiwi friend as a birthday gift. I so love being given things like this and was truly delighted when I was given these. I think of her every time I use them. The blue pearls are from Mei Flower and the decorative edge on the ribbon mount is a Martha Stewart punch.

Not much left to say really, except where the fab image is from! I did a big hunt for this, as I wanted a 'grown-up' graduate, not a teenage one. I was so delighted when I finally found this image as it fitted perfectly with the design idea I had. 'Cassie's Graduation' and other great digi stamps can be found at Sassy Studio Designs. 

Thanks for popping in on my lil' blog today. I hope you have fun looking around. Do leave me a comment so I can be sure to visit you in return. Hugs, Wends x


Elise saidā€¦
Hi Nenny! Oh how sweet of you to make you SIL a fabulous beautiful card like this! I know she probably LOVED it!!! :)

Donna Mosley saidā€¦
A gorgeous card Nenny, love the image and very scrummy flowers.

Donna x
Hazel saidā€¦
Hey Wendy

Hope you are okay.

Beautiful card and the image is just perfect.

A big thank you for dropping by to see me and leaving me some lovely comments.

I hope you have a great weekend.

Take care


Hazel xx

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