Christmas Hugs

I'm just back from a wonderful visit to Sweden where I had to say goodbye to one of the people I love most in this world, my fabulous, sassy, outspoken, opinionated, beautiful, intelligent, inspiring, oh so talented with the written word, gorgeous Scandinavian soul mate. Let's just say, it was NOT easy to say goodbye. But we celebrated her birthday in style, which will be the last one we can celebrate for a while and had our Christmas hugs, so our final moments together will be remembered with joy!

I'm now having to pack up all my crafty gear and get set for the big move home to New Zealand, so I won't be doing any 'new' makes until I'm home in NZ and my craft stash has found a home! I will post the ocassional card that I've already made, but hasn't yet featured on my blog, with the exception of one very special Christmas card which I'm making for my sister in law who's due to have her baby any day now! So watch this space...

I wish all my lovely blogland buddies a fabulous Christmas and a New Year filled with laughter, love, enough pennies to update your crafty stash and many uninterrupted crafting hours!

Thanks for visiting my little corner of the blogisphere. I love your visits and hope I'll see you again soon. Hugs, Wends xxx


Penni saidā€¦

I love this image - her glittery wings are soooo pretty.

Thanks for visiting my blog today.

Annette saidā€¦
I just wanted to pop over and wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. I hope that you have a lovely trip too. Hope to see you again in 2013.
Merry Christmas Wendy
Unknown saidā€¦
I didn't know you had such strong connections to Sweden; your friend sounds really lovely, but no surprise to me, aren't we Swedes just the best?! :-) LOL Hope everything goes well with the move; I can imagine it must be great being back home again with your family again. I know what it's like; I don't see my family very often even though Sweden is just a 2h plane ride from the UK...

Take care!
Sandy xx

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