Lucky Me - Woohoo

I had such a lovely surprise yesterday! I found I had won two of Krista Smiths fabulous Saturated Canary images from the lovely Jane of the Cupboard Under the Stairs (don't you just love that blog name?!!) for joining in the combined blog-hop with 'Action Wobbles' and 'Saturated Canary'.

I was so chuffed as there were a number of Krista's images I've had my eye on lately! So Woohoo (dancing a little jig right now) and in my best Lola Sunner voice (from kids program 'Charlie & Lola, my kiddies favourite!) ... "lucky me, lucky me, lucky lucky me!" 

Another thing I feel very lucky about right now... 

We are finally going home, after 13 years in London! It's fair to say London will always have a big place in our hearts, but there really is 'no place like home' and I just can't wait now to take my British babies home!

I was looking through some photos of our last visit home and came across this one, which made me smile all over! It's the park bench outside my big sisters apartment building in St Heliers, Auckland, which overlooks the bay. You can't get much better than that for a view from a park bench! I look forward to being home, coffee in hand, sis at my side and having a good chin-wag sitting on that bench. :) :)

I've gone a little mad in the lead up to heading home - stocking up on paper craft bits and pieces. It's all so expensive in New Zealand and we have a whole house full of stuff to ship so I figure what's a little extra crafty stash - right?!!

Do you have any favourite bits of kit? Favourite stamps, Dies, Papers, that you'd recommend I get before the big move? I'd love to hear what your fav's are, so do leave me a comment when you visit.

Thanks for looking today and I'll have a card ready for the next update.
Big hugs, Wends xxx


Jane saidā€¦
Charlie and Lola is MY fave!!! Can't wait to see what you make with your new images!
Good luck with the move!!

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