Google Connect

Okay, so I'm a little slow sometimes, especially with technology, but tonight, I finally worked out how to add the 'followers' feature! Oh my goodness, how long has it taken me to figure that one out. Months ago, a lovely lady asked where that feature was on my blog and I have hunted for it in the features ever since, but simply couldn't figure out how to add it. However, tonight, quite by accident, I happened upon the section where you can choose to add this. Jumping up and down for joy now. Now don't ask me to explain it, because I don't think I could find that screen again if I tried. I count that as a win tonight, I can finally feel like I'm in the big kids club! LOL!! I am seriously tech challenged, but I do get by, hehe.

So for those of you who wanted my updates to appear in your blogroll, you finally can 'click the button' and hey presto, I'll be there giving you a cheery wave.

Thanks for stopping in today, sorry it's not a more exciting post, but I do have a little 'eye candy' for you in the shape of my new Promarkers and Aquamarkers which arrived on Tuesday - check out these beauties!



A closeup of the Limited Edition colours. Aren't they lush! :)

I'm so excited, I can't wait to give them a try, but it will have to be tomorrow, as I'm so tired right now, I just need my bed. Sleep now, play tomorrow. Hope you're having an awesome day, come visit again soon. :)


coops saidā€¦
enjoy your new pens wendy.the colours look fab :D

xx coops xx
Elaine saidā€¦
Yaaaayyyyyy! I can follow you now :)

Have a fab time playing with your new pens!

Big hugs
Elaine xx
Sue saidā€¦
Glad that I can follow you now and I won't miss any of your fabulous creations!
hugs Sue xx
lynne saidā€¦
Hi Wendy,
I have been trying to find a email address for you. I run the crafty Calendar Challenge and wanted to let you know you wonlast months challenge. You have got a prize awaiting you!
I always try to contact the winners if they dont get in touch so you can get the prize that is rightfully yours!! xx
My email is
Lynne xx

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