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Whimsy Stamps ~ Christmas In July Hop

Hey crafty pals, I'm popping in with a make today that I stole the last rays of daylight to photograph yesterday. I spent the day with my mumma, so was racing to get this finished, but I had an image in my head of how I wanted it to look and I have to say I love how it came together. We have an Instagram Hop going on right now at Whimsy Stamps, celebrating our Christmas in July makes and trying to get ahead with our Christmas crafting. I could do with a little more time for that, for sure! I made a Criss Cross Card for my hop card. I used two square card bases 7x7 inches. I cut one card front diagonally from top left to bottom right, corner to corner, then did the reverse on the second card, to create the criss cross card design. This leaves a little pocket opening if you glue just the very base of the card down and tape the crossover flaps down. Then I created the pull-tab insert to go into the pocket. I don't have exact measurements, because I always just wing these things as

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