New Year Fun - My Crafty Year in Review... And A Challenge!

I'm swinging in here today to wish all my lovely crafty pals out there a blessed and wonderful New Year. May all your dreams, passions and desires be your reality in 2015! I'm looking forward to moving into this new year with the hope of new possibilities, experiences and adventures. I'm also looking forward to another year of crafty fun with you all. I wish you a year filled with all your heart desires. Hugs, Wends x


Fancy a little 'Top 12' Challenge?

I notice that several of my lovely blog buddies each year post their 'Top 5' favourite makes of the year. Which I think is both awesome and really challenging, how do you whittle down to a Top 5! So as I did last year, I'm going to show you my favourite 'Top 12'. One for each month of the year (not necessarily chosen from each month). 

Just for a bit of fun though, (and because I've been meaning to post a blog candy for several months now), I've decided to turn this showcase of my Top 12 into a 'challenge' you all can enter. Just a 'one off'. For us all to be able to showcase our favourite 12 makes, one for each month of the year and for one lucky entrant, I'll do a random draw and you'll be the winner of the blog candy. 

(There are a couple of things hidden in the back too)

So, if you're up for this little bit of fun. Enter the challenge by linking via the 'InLinkz' button below showcasing your favourite 12 makes from 2014. You'll need to write a blog post specifically for this, showcasing your 'Top 12' or you can link a post you've already done with your top picks of the past year. It doesn't strictly have to be 12, I just like that number. Please make sure you link to your blog entry, not just your blog. Please mention the 'Top 12' challenge in your post and if you are happy to, please post the 'blog candy' pic to your sidebar to tell others about the challenge. I look forward to coming to visit your blogs and seeing your gorgeous entries. Have fun!

My Top 12 of 2014

(In reverse order)

Ya'll know how much I LOVE Sugar Nellie. 
This was my Swedish pals birthday card.

LOVED making this card, even if my Frantage looks like bird poop 
on the lamp and birdhouse! LOL. I made this for my baby sis.

PicMonkey Collage2
This card was such fun to make and I LOVE this
Sylvia Zet image. Gutted she's had to close her digi store.

Yup, Sugar Nellie again. LOVE these fairies, goes without
saying, I have them ALL!! This make was for my
son's best buddy back in the UK.

Hands down, my favourite baby make this year. I LOVE
Lili of the Valley babies. They're the cutest.

Possibly my favourite make this year. The photo does no justice
to this card. The image is paper pieced and her wings are so glittery.
She looks ethereal coming off the page. I really have to 
work on my lighting for photos this year!

This was a DT post for Fab 'n' Funky last year. 
I really love how it came together. The papers are yum!
I developed a love for Art by Mi Ran stamps too!!

This was a Southern Girls DT post using a sweet
'All Dressed Up' stamp and my favourite 'Go Create' dies.
I just loved the sweet embossed clouds on this one.

A real contender for absolute fav'. I made this for my lovely Aunt and Uncle
who celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary this past year. I used
my all time favourite papers for this. I LOVE Maja Design!

For one of my baby sisters, our eternal mermaid! I loved the shells
and the blooms on this card. It came together so much better
than I'd envisioned! Love the Hannah Lynn stamp!

More Sugar Nellie gorgeousness, with a super sweet image.
This was my first 'box card' creation, thanks to one of
my blog buddies Janine, who share a fab tute' and
using gorgeous 'Funky Hand' papers too.

I really loved making this Wedding Keepsake box, for my lovely friend,
who married another of our closest friends early last year.
I wanted this to be super special and I'm so
happy with how it turned out!

Oh my goodness, that was hard work getting it down to 12. There were so many more I've loved, especially ones I'd made for dear friends. But there you have it, my 'Top 12 of 2014'. Now it's your turn to enter your 'Top 12 of 2014' via the linky below. Thanks for joining in and good luck for the prize draw. The challenge will close on February 2nd and I'll draw the winner within the following week. Have fun ya'll. Hugs, Wends x

I'm linking my 'Top 12' to two of my fabulous blog buddies - the wonderful Debby's 'Top 5 of 2014' and my lovely blog buddy Mynnette Kitchen's Link Party. Come and join the fun!

Update: 5 Feb 2014
And the results are in! has done it's thing and the lucky winner is...

Mynette Kitchen! Congratulations hunny. I've sent you an email, so return your address details to me and I'll get your parcel in the post asap.

Thanks everyone who entered. I've a little tucked away for a new blog candy very soon. So watch this space! Hugs, Wends x


Bev said…
Your top 12 are fab honey. I don't even know if I made 12 cards last year .... will have a look this weekend and see if I can get something cobbled together.

Happy New Year x
Lucy Patrick said…
Oh what gorgeous makes Wendy, they are all so gorgeous no wonder they are all in your Top 12! Sounds like a great idea, I might go take a look now but I think I made almost 300 cards in 2014!! What a lot of lovely candy, very generous of you and thank you so much for all the love you leave me on my blog, it's so much appreciated. XOX Lucy
They are simply gorgeous Wendy, I'll have a look amongst my cards too.

Happy New Year sweetie!

Annette said…
Fab top 12, I like the images and the range of designs you've chosen, but I totally agree that 12 is so hard to pick from all the lovelies created during the year. :0)
Happy new year Wendy.
Annette said…
Have linked up to my list which I posted already. Hope that's ok. :0)
Mynn xx said…
Hi, Wendy! Thanks for inviting me to join in! And thanks for the chance to win some goodies! I totally LOVE all your faves from 2014! Your coloring is super gorgeous! I hope you link up with me at On a Stampage, too! HUGS and happy new year! :) Mynn xx
Chris said…
Your cards are fabulous Wendy, a lovely selection of designs and images all so beautifully crafted! Great idea to make this a challenge with a chance to win such a generous prize! I'll post your candy and link on my sidebar even if I don't have time to join in!
Fabulous selection Wendy - such beautiful cards hunni. Great prize on offer - thank you. If I get chance I'll try and join and link back to you x
Judith said…
Fab cards Wends - think we've got one or two of these on the challenge blog! - If i ever manage to post again I'll pop back and link up - great idea hugs Judith xx
It's perfect Annette. Love the list too! x
Thanks Mynn, I sure will xxxx
Yes indeed Judith, there are at least a couple of my Fab 'n' Funky DT makes in the list! xxxx
Juls said…
Hi Wendy, thank you so much for the kind comments on my blog ... Iovely to see a review of your work, can't wait to see what you inspire us with this year. I have linked up & become a follower so I can keep up with your fabulous creations :-) xx
Thanks Juls, I LOVE your cards hun. Gorgeous to see your 'year in review'. Big hugs, Wends x
Mynn xx said…
Thanks for linking up with me at On a Stampage! HUGS and happy stamping, friend! :) Mynn xx
Elise said…
OOh Wendy! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! I can see why you've chosen these cards .. and why it was difficult to choose just 12 .. all of them are absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!!!! Each one so unique in their own way .. yet all so stunning!!!

Thank you for always popping by my blog with so much love .. I appreciate it!!

Big Hugs,
Desire Fourie said…
Wendy this is a stunning series of creations, a true showcase of your wonderful creative talent. Its hard to pick a favourite. Thank you so much for sharing them with your bloggy friends. Also wishing you a 2015 filled with tons of love and happiness xxx
{Doing Life – my personal blog}
Wendy said…
Fabulous selection Wends, all so gorgeous.
I have linked up to a post I had already done just added about your challenge and put a pic and link in my sidebar too. Gorgeous candy, thanks for the chance to win!
Happy New Year.
Wendy xx
Becca Cruger said…
What a parade of amazing work! Thanks for the invite over because now I got to be introduced to your awesome creativity, too! I returned the favor of a follow so I can cheer you on in the new year.
What a beautiful selection Wendy! I've linked up but couldn't manage 12 cards I'm afraid...been a rubbish year for blogging! Happy New Year to you xx
Taunya Butler said…
You do some absolutely fascinating and cool things with your stamping and crafting skills!! Impressed with the way you use color and your coloring skills are perfection!! Good for you - it was way cool to see your top 12 creations of 2014!!! Thank you!!
Karen P said…
Hi Wendy, Mynn sent me lol!
Fabulous creations and I love your colouring skills - very pea green! It's been fun checking out what we've all created over the last year and which ones we love too! Many thanks Karen x
Liz McGuire, said…
Hiya, love your selection. All gorgeous but I especially love September. Thanks for your kind comments about the magazine articles, I'm so pleased you like them.

Liz x
PS my brother is in NZ - Albany
Karen P said…
I just added the photo and linky to my blog too Wendy - so hopefully that will send a few more your way xx
coops said…
thanks so much for the fun challenge wendy.i hope you don`t mind but i have shown my viewers top 12 for 2014 ;D

Debby Kuster said…
I did this Earlyer in the year. hope that is no problem. But it's so much fun to see al your creations together

Rosmarie said…
Your top 12 are fab, Wendy! What a great selection of stunning works!! Thanks so much for the fun challenge!
Rosi x
Lucy Patrick said…
Hi Wendy, Hope your year is going well so far. Just checking when you were going to draw the blog candy winner or have you already and I just don't see it hehe? XOX Lucy
Pam Sparks said…
Beautiful cards Wendy!

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